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Schedule Job

The Schedule tab allows users to define various options when to execute the job. As Profile Scheduler works with the Windows Task Scheduler, when scheduling and running jobs various user right assignments and set up conditions may be required based on the profile type and process (see Profile Scheduler Overview for more information).

Note: Ensure all the previous steps (Address Book Cache, Distribution Manager, Custom Table Loads,Load Local Infinium, Load Local JD Edwards, and Workbook Automation) are completed, prior to entering data in the Schedule tab.

Create and Maintain the Schedule for a Job

  1. Use the following table to enter data in the Schedule tab:
  2. Field


    Not Scheduled/Scheduled/Run Once

    Specify whether or not to schedule the execution of the job. Appropriate processing fields become available, based on the option selected.

    Externally Managed

    If selected, indicates the scheduled job has been changed in the Windows Task Scheduler function. If this option is selected, scheduling criteria fields on the panel are disabled.

    Note: This option is not applicable to Windows XP environments.

    Start Date

    Click the drop-down list, and, select the date to start the job.

    Start Time

    Click the drop-down list, and, select the time to start the job.

    Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled task is missed

    Enable this checkbox to execute the job as soon as possible in cases of a missed scheduled task.

    Note: You can enable this option for only one job at a time.


    This option is used for multiple daily consecutive job runs. It requires the user to assign a Start Date, Start Time, and Every specified number of Days or Hours.

    Note: If using Hours, the system begins with the Start Time, and adds the number of hours until midnight (12:00 AM), to create the scheduled jobs.


    This option is used for multiple job runs for one or more days, for a consecutive number of weeks. It requires the user to assign a Start Date, Start Time, and Every specified number of Weeks for each selected Weekday.


    This option is used for multiple job runs for a specific day of each selected month. It requires the user to assign a Start Date, Start Time, and specific week and day of the week for each selected Month, or, Days (specific day of the month).

    Note: In a Windows XP environment, if using the Days option, only one day may be selected for scheduling the job.

    Notification Preferences:


    Send email notification for task failures

    Check this box to send an email to the notification recipients if a scheduled job fails to run properly.

    Send email notification for task completion

    Check this box to send a task completion email to the notification recipients and the users who initiated the task.

    Notification Recipients (comma delimited list)

    Specify the email address(es) for those who are to receive a notification for task failures and completion.

    Windows Credentials:


    Allow job to run while logged off

    If selected, the scheduled job may be run while the user is logged out (seeAllow a Job to Run While Logged Off for more information).

    Note: This option is not applicable to Distribution Manager jobs.

    User Name

    Specify the user ID to be used for the scheduled job.

    Note: In a Windows XP environment, User Name is required when scheduling a job.


    Specify the password to be used for the scheduled job. The system retains the password until the Schedule panel is redisplayed.

    Note: In a Windows XP environment, Password is required when scheduling a job.

  3. If scheduling a job containing mapped drives, proceed to the next step: Define Mapped Drives.
  4. Click OK. The system adds or updates the job and, if appropriate, adds the job to the Windows Task Scheduler.

  5. Note:
    • When the scheduled date and time are reached, the system reconnects to the host and initiates the job.
    • Scheduled jobs require users to be logged in.
    • Users will receive a notification if they try to turn off their computer while the scheduled jobs are still running. Profile Scheduler also checks to see if a task should run since the last start date based on the task's schedule.
    • Scheduled jobs may be modified in Profile Scheduler or Windows Task Scheduler, however, they may only be stopped or deleted through the Task Scheduler. Task Scheduler may accessed from the Profile Scheduler panel, by selecting Task Scheduler from the ribbon.

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